WEEK 9 – October 11, 2016

PART 2: The Fruits of Hospitality


CONCLUSION: Embracing All People


The Truth of Hospitality

A Relationship with the Truth

Roots: Practicing God’s Welcome

Fruits: Hospitality as a Way of Life

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways does your congregation practice hospitality to strangers during and after worship? How can it do a better job?

  2. “to embrace all people with God’ love and grace is not an aspect of the gospel – it is the gospel.” How does this statement confirm or contradict your understanding of the gospel (good news) of what God has done in Jesus Christ?

  3. What can the “muscular hospitality” of Jesus teach us about performing ministry today? Where are the challenges for today’s church?

  4. How could your congregation guide new members through a process that moves from belonging to believing to behaving?

  5. Where do you see personal benefits in “practicing God’s welcome”? How is it both a gift and a challenge?

Action Plan:

Find a way to incorporate hospitality into the mission statement of your church and challenge each of your committees to find a practical way to become more welcoming in the year to come. Establish concrete expectations. For example, the worship committee might institute a “three-minute rule,” in which members seek out guests for the first three minutes after worship. The fellowship committee could establish monthly potluck dinners. The property committee could set the goal of building a welcome center outside the sanctuary. Make your goals creative and attainable.