Forward Day By Day
May 31, 2021
Author Nia McKenney

Psalm 113:1 Hallelujah! Give praise, you servants of the LORD; praise the Name of the LORD.

Amidst all of the pain and ecstasy and complexity of being a living, breathing, thinking and doing human being, I praise God. I do this, in part, through gratitude. I say thank you several times a day to people and things and God. I say thank you to store employees who clean every grocery cart. I say thank you to God for sitting with me and watching yet another summer sunset that, had I died at birth from an infection, I would never have seen. I thank my guitar after every performance, and I thank my car for working every day. I thank God for the moon, for my voice, and for my sisters. I thank my mom every time she helps me use a word I don’t know. There simply will never be enough breath in me to express how thankful I am to simply be.

Today, I thank you for wondering with me, for growing with me and for learning with me. I will continue to thank God, you, and myself for the simple pleasure that comes with being in the presence of the faithful.

MOVING FORWARD: Do you praise God with gratitude?


Nia McKenney is a vocalist and musician in Indianapolis. Her favorite things are music technology, her cats, and her sisters.


Forward Day by Day