The Lenten season is known as a season of sacrifice; of giving up something that is held dear.

Once again, the annual Lenten sacrific for the Saint Matthias family will provide scholarships for community children to attend the summer program at the Boyas and Girls Club.

The mission     of the club remains the same: to provide a safe place for children to learn and frow through caring, positie relationships with adults.

There are three ways you can participate:

  1. A container labeled “Boys and Girls Club” is available at the rear of the church for regular one-time offerings.
  2. Lenton Mite boxes are available for offerins and can be presented to the church on or before Easter Sunday. There will be a special basked for mite boxes at the rear of the church to collect those offerings on Easter Sunday.
  3. Blue colored envelopes located in the pew holders and at the back of the Church for regular one-time offerings.

A full scholarship cost $350. What a wonderful way to participate in the season, a period of sel-denial and action

Please join us in this Lenten mission.