Furthering Your Faith
At St. Matthias, we offer many opportunities to enrich one’s understanding and experience of the Christian faith. For children and adults alike, this could include introductory material for those new to the Episcopal Church as well as further opportunities for those wishing to delve deeper into an understanding of the Church.
There are many ways to get involved and can work with different schedules. If you’re retired and have your Wednesday mornings free, consider joining our Wednesday Bible Study at 10:30 a.m. If your child has a week in the summer where they aren’t involved in other activities, register them for our Vacation Bible School program!
Youth Education
For our children, Sunday School is their main source of Christian Education. They meet every second and fourth Sunday of the month to discuss relevant scriptures and create various crafts and activities. St. Matthias also hosts a Vacation Bible School program in the summer when Sunday School is not in session.
Our Sunday School coordinator is Karen Freiberg.
Visit our Sunday School page to learn more about our Youth Education opportunities:

Adult Education
For the older members of our congregation, we offer even more educational opportunities, ranging from weekly studies focusing on the relevant scriptures to month-long courses focusing on a particular topic.
For example, one of our parishioners held a study following the four-hour docuseries Gospel. From Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., executive producer, host, and writer, the series explores the rich history of Black spirituality through sermons and songs. This study was the sequel to another series titled The Black Church.
Our regular Adult Education opportunities include:
Wednesday Bible Study
What began as the Women’s Bible Study has evolved throughout the years and now invites all adults to join in the fun. Each week is different, ranging from watching movies about biblical events to facilitating meaningful discussions on certain scriptures.
St. Matthias’ Wednesday Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The study is led by Wanda Klaas.
Adult Sunday School
St. Matthias welcomes you to come together for thought-provoking conversations where parishioners are encouraged to exchange views and relay life experiences relevant to the scriptures of the day. This study follows the 9:30 a.m. service and focuses on the topics of the day.
St. Matthias’ Adult Sunday School is held every Sunday at 11:15 a.m. in the Choir Room. The study is led by Dolores Wilson-Malone and Matt Mobley.
To stay up-to-date on any other Christian Education opportunities that arise, consider joining our Mailing List!