A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25
![Thanksgiving Basket 2](
Thanksgiving Basket Project, 2023
Refreshing Others
Community Outreach provides opportunities for members of the parish to use their time, talent, and treasure to serve the needs of people in the greater Clermont area.
The Community Outreach Committee identifies and coordinates programs and activities, providing material and spiritual support to existing programs and other areas of need within the community. From providing Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents to hosting Red Bag Sundays to support those in our community with food insecurity, we hope that every member will volunteer to do what they can to show God’s love to others in times of need.
The Community Outreach Committee is headed by Hope Blume and Janette Dorn.
The Neighborhood Center
Formerly known as the FAITH Neighborhood Center, St. Matthias volunteers have worked in all areas of the Neighborhood Center of South Lake for years, assisting those in need of food, clothing, and miscellaneous household items. The Center also provides financial help with rent, utilities, and medical treatment. Under the direction of the Florida Department of Children and Families, volunteers also provide assistance to applicants with online registration for food stamps, Medicaid, and other programs.
At St. Matthias, our Red Bag Sunday sponsors the collection of food on the first Sunday of each month to do our part in assisting the neediest of our neighbors with their food requirements. At the Neighborhood Center kiosk in the Parish Hall, parishioners can find red bags to fill with non-perishable foods and envelopes to make monetary donations. Parishioners are then asked to bring their donations on the following Sunday so volunteer parish members can deliver the collected food to the Neighborhood Center.
The Boys & Girls Clubs
Every day after school and all summer long, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida provides a safe and caring experience for children between the ages of 6 and 18 from our region’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods, at no or little cost to their families. St. Matthias helps to raise funds for this incredible organization, and one of the annual fundraisers we hold is to help provide these children with Summer Camp Scholarships.
Thanksgiving Basket Project
Baskets containing a gift card for the purchase of a turkey and all the ingredients needed to cook a traditional Thanksgiving meal are provided to those in need in our community. Through the blessings of God, the work of the Community Outreach Committee, and the generosity of the parishioners, the number of families fed has increased every year. In 2023, St. Matthias was able to provide meals to 125 families!
![Thanksgiving Baskets](
![Thanksgiving Basket Making](
![Thanksgiving Potatoes](
Families in Transition
Homelessness is a complex problem that requires comprehensive solutions. Pictures of homelessness can look very different, depending on the individual or family and their unique situation and needs. Families in Transition provides various programs to assist the families in these situations, and at St. Matthias, we focus on the individuals who are most forgotten: teenagers. We accept monetary and item donations throughout the year for everyday needs and then provide Christmas gifts during the holiday season as well.
![FIT Teen Donations](
![Angel Tree Party](
Prison Fellowship Angel Tree
Incarceration can strain family ties to the breaking point. St. Matthias has worked with the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree program to provide Christmas gifts on behalf of incarcerated parents, allowing children to continue feeling valued and loved while experiencing this time apart. The holidays can be the toughest, and we hope to help in the ways that we can.
If you are unable to shop for gifts, we also accept monetary donations for our Community Outreach team to utilize when purchasing gifts for the families.
Free English Classes
St. Matthias parishioner, Wanda Klaas, offers free classes for anyone in the community who may need help with literacy, including English conversation practice, English language, and grammar classes. The classes meet on Mondays at 10:30 am and Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Little House. For any additoinal information, please contact the church office.