Lord, Give Me the Grace for Today
Thomas à Kempis

Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.

—Thomas à Kempis

Lord, give me the grace for today.
Before me, the day looms with great possibilities and even greater challenges.
I put it all in your hands.
Order my day and order my life.
Help me to embrace every challenge,
to be open to all you have to give and to see all as opportunity.
One moment at a time.
One person at a time.
One gift at a time.
Help me to breathe in your Spirit and to exhale
any fear that may cause me to question and to worry.
The world causes stress. You offer peace.
I choose you!

Source: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/franciscan-spirit-blog/talking-to-god-morning-prayers